What Is Soft Tissue Therapy and How Do We Use It With Our Headache and Migraine Patients?

What Medical Providers dont do: Treat Headaches with Soft Tissue Therapy


What Most People dont Know About Headaches - Tight Muscles in the Neck Causes Headaches


At Calibration Chiropractic and Functional Health, we use soft tissue therapy, which is a comprehensive approach to the treatment and management of various musculoskeletal conditions, including headaches. Unlike traditional medical treatments that often rely on medication or invasive procedures, soft tissue therapy aims to address the root cause of the problem by targeting the soft tissues.


Understanding Soft Tissue and Its Role in Headaches

Soft tissues play a critical role in maintaining the structure and function of our bodies by supporting and stabilizing our joints, as well as facilitating movement and enabling proper posture. These tissues include muscles, tendons, ligaments, and fascia.


When it comes to headaches, the soft tissues in the head, neck, and shoulders can be a significant contributing factor. Tension, tightness, or imbalances in these areas can lead to muscle spasms, inflammation, and restricted blood flow, all of which can trigger or exacerbate headaches. When muscles are tense or knotted, they can also compress nearby nerves, leading to radiating pain, which is the main mechanism in tension type headaches.


At Calibration Chiropractic and Functional Health, we recognize the direct link between soft tissue health and headache symptoms. Therefore, we incorporate soft tissue therapy into the treatment of every patient.


The Soft Tissue Techniques We Use in Our Office

There are various techniques and modalities aimed at addressing issues related to the body's soft tissues. Our office focuses on:

  • Trigger Point Therapy: Applying direct pressure to tight muscle knots can improve circulation, relieve tension, and reduce headache pain.

  • Myofascial Release: A hands-on technique that targets the fascia, the connective tissue surrounding and supporting the muscles, to relieve restrictions and enhance overall mobility.

  • Stretching and Strengthening Exercises: We incorporate targeted stretches and strengthening exercises to correct muscle imbalances and enhance flexibility andstrength. You will receive a personalized rehabilitation program tailored to your specific needs.

  • Instrument-Assisted Soft Tissue Mobilization (IASTM): We use specialized tools to apply targeted pressure and friction to the soft tissues, promoting tissue repair and enhancing range of motion.


These soft tissue therapy techniques work together to address the root causes of your headaches, providing a holistic and personalized approach to your healthcare.


How Does Soft Tissue Therapy Help Alleviate Headaches?

Many headaches are caused by tension and tightness in the muscles of the head, neck, and shoulders.


- By using soft tissue therapy techniques we help release this muscle tension, reducing the strain on the surrounding tissues and relieving headache symptoms.

Restricted blood flow to the head and neck can contribute to headache pain. Soft tissue therapy can enhance circulation, delivering more oxygen and nutrients to the affected areas and promoting the removal of waste products that may be causing inflammation.


Poor posture and muscle imbalances in the neck, shoulders, and upper back can lead to headaches.

- Soft tissue therapy, combined with targeted exercises, can help correct these imbalances and improve overall posture, reducing the strain on the soft tissues and alleviating headache symptoms.


Headaches can be exacerbated by stress and anxiety.

- Soft tissue therapy techniques promote relaxation encouraging the activation of the parasympathetic nervous system. This helps counteract the stress response and supports the body's natural healing processes.


Is Soft Tissue Therapy Right for You?

As an individual seeking relief from recurring headaches, incorporating soft tissue therapy into your healthcare routine can be a game-changer. Here at Calibration Chiropractic and Functional Health our rehab specialists are trained to provide targeted soft tissue therapy that not only relieves pain but also supports nervous system health. Whether you are dealing with chronic headaches or acute migraines, our comprehensive approach can help you achieve lasting relief.


Do not let headaches hold you back any longer. Let us develop a personalized treatment plan that combines various soft tissue therapy techniques to address your specific needs and concerns.


Visit Calibration Chiropractic + Functional Health at our office in Mansfield, Texas, or call (817) 779-3435 to schedule a consultation today.


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